IPOfn MicroCap Reports
Why you are looking at this page?
You have either heard about the IPO Frontline MicroCap Report from someone you know, or most probably because we have a research report on a company in which you have an interest. If it is the latter, then quite likely, that company has lost all or most of its sponsorship in the research end of the investment banking industry. If the company you are interested in wants coverage, it now has to pay for it or have some other entity pay for it. IPO Financial provides that service for companies that don't just have the ability to pay for the reports, but also have a strong story to get into the market place.
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Why IPO Financial?
IPO Financial has been a cornerstone in the new issues market for over 20 years. It's reputation is untarnished and it is recognized as the 'go to' source for comprehensive, unbiased information on the fundamentals and opening price projections of IPOs and Secondaries before they are priced. It's founder, David Menlow, (yes, go ahead and Google him) has been quoted in over 300 media sources worldwide and has been a regular guest on all the financial news networks worldwide. Interviews are conducted regularly from its television studio on site in IPO Financial's New Jersey based corporate office.
In 2004, IPO Financial was selected by 8 of the 12 firms that were involved in the Global Research Settlement that was brought about by the SEC, NY Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and the NY Attorney General. The terms of that settlement required those 12 firms to provide side-by-side independent research with their own in-house research. The reports that were provided covered IPOs that were priced by each of those firms and followed those companies with quarterly earnings updates for the 5 years of the settlement. That same analytical prowess is now being directed to the IPO Frontline MicroCap Report and companies that have basically been orphaned from analyst coverage.
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Why the IPO Frontline MicroCap Report?
The IPO Frontline MicroCap Report is unlike any other research report on Wall Street. For too many years, research reports on the microcap end of the business have been nothing more than a compilation of 'cut and paste' segments of the 10-Q quarterly reports, and the 10-K annual reports. The companies that produce such reports usually give them away for free so that they can get you on their mailing lists to pitch other stocks that you may not have the slightest bit of interest in.
The IPO Frontline MicroCap Report is a highly detailed report that incorporates facts and figures, as released by the company that are the subject of the report. However, the major difference is that the information in the Full Fundamental report is broken down into as many as 35 different categories. Readers of the report can zero in on any or all of those categories to find out information that has analytical commentary about that category.
The categories we cover are mostly ignored by other research firms, and are critical to the overall sense of trust that investors strive for with each company they consider for an investment. Each category is rated on a 5 level scale indicating our overview of strength or weakness for each category. The commentary on each category is like a conversation on paper. You won't need a Masters degree in Finance to understand any part of the report. After you read it, you might even hear yourself say: 'I get it.'
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If the companies IPO Financial covered are paying for the reports, how can they be unbiased in opinion?
The companies featured in this part of the website have reports posted because a fee has been paid by either the company or another entity. This does not force us to have only good things to say about the company. If we don't like what we see in any aspect of the company's report, you will see it - in plain English. We do our research and allow the company to see the report before we post it, to correct factual errors, nothing more. If management doesn't like the conclusions or the tone of the report, then they can say that they don't want the report posted, in which case, we drop the company from coverage. We evaluate the companies as we see them and will not be a puppet of those companies to paint a rosy picture when the insides of the company may be rotting. Our research for the microcap stocks is independent, in spite of us being paid a fee for producing the reports.
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What can I expect after getting the initial coverage report?
After the initial Snapshot coverage report, we will continue coverage with our Full Fundamental report and then quarterly earnings reviews with event driven reports, as needed. These reports do not just report the financials that are released by the company, but each of the categories that were reviewed in the previous reports are evaluated for any an all changes. If we believe something has changed in any of those categories they are subject to upgrades or downgrades using the same 5 level rating system utilized in the initial reports. It goes without saying that if our assessment deteriorates that the stock is always at risk of being downgraded, again, without the consent of the company.
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