Frontline Aftermarket AnalysisMarch 9th, 2025

Individual Tools

IPOfn Telephone Service

IPOfn offers a personalized service whereby individuals can call IPOfn and personally speak with an IPOfn new issues specialist; the people who are responsible for all the data gathering and analysis that ends up comprising our opening premium expectations for the IPOs and Secondaries that are waiting to come to market. Below is the latest fee schedule for the various kinds of information available to registered users.

Price Schedule as of 10/1/09

$7.00Individual Stocks - Basic - No UW Info
$25.00Individual Stocks - Blanket No Changes
$12.00Calendar Search
$18.00Client Calendar Delivery
$14.00Individual Stocks - Expanded Details
$20.00Each Underwriter Search -Plus Individual Stock Charges
$25.00Hot List IPOs - Plus Individual Stock Charges
$18.00Selling Groups
$30.00One-To-One For Individual Accts (per minute) NO DISCOUNT
$75.00One-To-One For Institutional Accts (per minute) NO DISCOUNT
$30.00Individual Stock Commentary - NO DISCOUNT
$75.00Overnight Secondary Commentary - NO DISCOUNT
$15.00Changes In Evaluations - No UW Info
$10.00Pricings Per Stock With Recap - Only After 9 AM ET

This particular service is available to individuals who register to the site. If the Telephone Registration is used, then the fee structure in affect at the time of the services used will be the only charge. The Telephone Registration does not have any registration cost or monthly recurring fees.
Individuals who register to the website as Individual Users and pay the monthly $40.00 membership fee will receive a 50.00% discount from the current rates for any of the services that are part of the IPOfn Telephone Service.

IPOfn Snapshot

When IPOs come public on the Nasdaq, the stocks have a 15 minute period in which the market makers show their hands being either a buyer or a seller of the stock. This only happens once in the life of a Nasdaq company, because no stock is able to trade in this jockeying for position period before the official first time the stock will trade, Between the underwriters and the other market makers that are looking to step in the middle of each trade, the maneuvering that takes place within the 15 minute pre-opening order period is very much like a 3 dimensional chess match. The IPOfn Snapshot captures each move and gives a visual rendition of the movements of the market makers for each stock.

Additionally, there is commentary on the change in market markers quotes. It may be possible to uncover the intentions of how the underwriters will posture themselves in this 15 minute period. We approach each stock as if it is a puzzle with the pieces turned upside down. Our intent is to give the user enough information to hopefully make a better timing decision about buying the stock when it begins to trade.

New Issues News Stories

Other sites give you headlines about IPOs that have filed to come public. We give you the first read on the IPO and what is going to cause the institutions to put their arms around it at the beginning of trading or if they are going to walk away from it. Additionally, you will get detailed information about secondaries that are filing to come public. With the right assessment, there are numerous potential trades that investors can do between the secondary filing and the pricing of the secondaries.

Investor Handicap

Since 1990, has been projecting the opening premiums of IPOs before they come public. Now we give our registered members the ability to call the opening premiums of every IPO we follow in the pre-IPO phase. You can pick whichever IPO you want from the list of upcoming stocks, in fact, you can pick all of them if you wish. You can change your guess as many times as you want on each stock, but the member that is the first to pick the exact opening premium, as dictated by the opening prices by the exchange on the 1st day of trading will be the winner. That status entitles you to 1 month's free service of the individual IPO tools. There is no limit to how many times a member can win. If the exact premium is not chosen, then the closest estimate without going over would be the winning premium.

IPO Pick of the Week

The IPOfn IPO Pick of the Week is an irreverent look at the IPO that is expected to price for the coming week. Unlike most commentary that appears on these stocks from other sources, we do not just do a 'cut and paste' from the prospectus. Our report covers many different categories about what makes the companies tick. Since we do not indicate for any IPO shares, we remain independent and that is reflected in our commentary throughout our product line. When you read these reports, you will have a bit more to consider before buying those IPOs. As with any of our reports, they are to be used only as an additional tool and any decisions to buy or sell securities should be made with the guidance of a brokerage professional.

Pricing Recap

This report shows the results of the IPOs and Secondaries that were priced on the previous day.

IPOfn Calendar Commentary

A modified form of the IPOfn Pick of the Week, this commentary gives a quick view of all the IPOs that are expected to be priced for the coming week. We try to touch upon a few key points that can make each stock a standout, a non-event or one that makes you ask what they were thinking when the company decided to file to come public.

IPOfn Client Calendar

This is designed for those that utilize our telephone service. This calendar will list the IPOs and Secondaries on the calendar and some basic details about the companies. There will be space for information regarding opening premium expectations for all the stocks.

IPOfn Company Listing

This is a complete listing of every company that has registered to price an IPO or a secondary on the equity markets. It is arranged in order of IPO and Secondaries. Each section is arranged alphabetically.

Direct Access

IPOfn allows subscribers to contact our research staff for an unrestricted 'anything goes' one-on-one conversation. There are 2 levels of service that will be billed to your credit card on file at the following per minute rate.

$20.00 per minute for individual accounts
$60.00 per minute for institutional accounts

Billing is for a 2 minute minimum with fractional minute billing in 1/10th increments after that. You will be notified about both the start and end time during the call so that the charge is acknowledged by you before you hang up.