Participating Underwriters
The Participating Underwriters report takes every IPO and Secondary and groups them by underwriter name. It makes no difference whether the underwriter is the lead or co-manager. In seeking out a specific underwriter, this report will outline all the deals in which that firm will be participating. The actual status of lead or co-manager is listed for each stock.
Two proprietary indices can be found on this report.
1. - IPOfn Ranking Index - a ranking that has a range of -4 at the low, to 12 at the high. The number is the only forward-looking index of the expected opening premium of all the IPOs in which that underwriter is involved.
2. - IPOfn Profile Index - a weighted average of the IPOfn Ranking Index with the size of the offerings. It will be a rough idea of which underwriters have access to greater size in the deals they underwrite.