IPO Pick of the Week
The IPOfn IPO Pick of the Week is an irreverent look at the IPO that is expected to price for the coming week. Unlike most commentary that appears on these stocks from other sources, we do not just do a 'cut and paste' from the prospectus. Our report covers many different categories about what makes the companies tick. Since we do not indicate for any IPO shares, we remain independent and that is reflected in our commentary throughout our product line. When you read these reports, you will have a bit more to consider before buying those IPOs. As with any of our reports, they are to be used only as an additional tool and any decisions to buy or sell securities should be made with the guidance of an investment professional.
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Category: TV Broadcasts
Company: BNN - Business News Network Canada
Name of Show: Business Day - 2nd Monday of Each Month
Hosted By: Marty Cej & Frances Horodelski
Time: 09:45 AM
Get the full schedule here
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